Understanding Collision Types

The Collision Types feature allows you to set the order in which pieces are layered over each other when they collide. The pieces can be pieces that are stitched together, or pieces that connect with themselves. The feature is particularly useful when working with pieces such as cuffs, plackets, button-up shirts, and collars.

To use the Collision Type feature:

  1. In the 2D window, select a piece for which you want to set a collision type. The Context view is displayed with Piece selected. Collision Type is displayed in the Draping Properties section.

  2. In Collision Type, click dis-drpdown.png. The available collision types are displayed.

  3. Click the collision type you want.


    Collision type directions are determined by the grain line of the piece.

    • The grain line direction sets the Right direction.

    • The opposite direction to the grain line sets the Left direction.

    • Top is clockwise from Left.

    • Bottom is clockwise from right.

      The following images show examples of how the grain line sets the collision type directions.


    A collision type of None means that the piece does not collide with other pieces, and so other pieces go through the selected piece as if it’s not part of the simulation.

    Note: On the 2D window toolbar, toggle 2dtoolbar-grainline.png to display or hide the grain line.

  4. Repeat steps 3-5 for each piece whose Collision Type property you want to edit.

  5. Save the file: on the Main toolbar, click save.png.

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