Equalizing Texture Maps in Photoshop

If minor shading issues appear on the fabric in VStitcher, the fabric may need to be equalized to make for a cleaner repeat.

To identify shadow issues, check the fabric in both 2D and 3D as the issue may not be apparent in one window but may be visible in the other. Alternate between color blending modes and change the color, as it may not be apparent in the default color and blending. Pastel colors work best as they should not overpower the texture.

The following image shows an example of minor shading issues.


To equalize texture maps:

  1. On the Materials tab, go to the Fabrics section.

  2. In the Fabrics section, click the fabric.

  3. Go to the Context view.

  4. In the Context view, click the texture thumbnail in the Diffuse section.


    The image editor is displayed.

  5. Click Edit. The diffuse map is opened in Photoshop.


    You must have selected Photoshop as your image editor in your preferences. For more information, refer to Images & Colors.

  6. Double click the background layer to unlock it and change it into a movable layer (Layer 0).

  7. Right-click on Layer 0 and choose Duplicate Layer to create a copy of the layer.

  8. With the lower layer selected (Layer 0 in our example), click Filter > Blur > Average.

  9. With the top layer selected (Layer 0 copy in our example), set:

    1. Opacity to 50%

    2. Blending Mode to Linear Light.

  10. With the top layer selected (Layer 0 copy in our example), click Filter > Other > High Pass.

  11. Move the slider to a value between 50150.


    A value of 100 works for most issues, but you may need to use a different value depending on the intensity of the shadow issues.

  12. Save the diffuse map in the same file format as the version that was brought in. Be sure to overwrite the previous image. This merges the updated texture into VStitcher.

    In VStitcher, a message is displayed notifying you that the image has been changed.

  13. Click OK. The fabric texture is updated on the garment.

  14. If shading issues persist, repeat the procedure. If issues remain, the fabric may need to be scanned again.

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