Before you dress the avatar, you must arrange the pieces, and prepare the garment. For more information, refer to:
The user interface and user experience for dressing the avatar depends on the version of the software you are using.
To dress the avatar:
On the Main toolbar, click Dress.
Simulation starts
The Finish icon is enabled
The Finish icon is highlighted with a blue line moving around the edge of the icon while simulation continues
Simulation may take some time
Click Finish to end the simulation.
Click Undress to clear the simulation.
For additional information, refer to Update 3D and One Step Simulation.
2021.1 and older
To dress the avatar:
On the Main toolbar, click Dress.
Simulation starts.
The Dress icon is replaced with a Pause icon.
The progress bar is activated.
Simulation may take some time.
Click Pause to pause the simulation.
Click Finish to force the simulation to finish.
Click Undress to clear the simulation.
For information about warnings that may display, refer to Warnings While Dressing.
If the dressed garment is not satisfactory, consider the following:
Is the stitching correct? Refer to Stitching Overview.
Can you improve the arrangement of the pieces on the avatar? Refer to How to Arrange Pieces.
Can you improve the preparation of the garment on the avatar? Refer to Preparing the Garment on the Avatar.
Are the garment layers correct? Refer to Understanding 3D Layers.
Is the garment simulation inaccurate? Refer to Understanding the Grid.
You can also use the 3D styling tools to adjust how the garment is on the avatar. For more information, refer to Using the 3D Styling Tools.
Both Dress and Update 3D can be set so that clicking the respective icon triggers one single simulation iteration. This can be useful if you make a very minor change to a garment and only need a short simulation cycle.
To set one step simulation:
On either the Dress or the Update 3D icon, click the drop-down, then click One Step.
Note that the icon changes to show that one step simulation has been enabled.
Note that the icon changes to show that one step simulation has been enabled.
To cancel one step simulation, click the drop-down again and click to clear the selection of One Step.
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