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Creating a Fabric Group

Creating a Fabric Group

To create a fabric group:

  1. If the Materials tab is not already open, on the Resources tabs, click Materials.


  2. On the Materials tab, go to the Fabrics section.

    Fabrics section

  3. In the Fabrics section, click Click to display a menu. A menu is displayed.

    Menu is displayed

  4. Click New Group. An empty group is added to the Fabrics section.

    Group is added

The next step is adding fabrics to the group.

You can also create a fabric group using one of the following methods:

  • Create a group with an existing fabric already included in the group.

    To create such a group:

    1. In the Fabrics section, hover over the fabric you want to start the group with.

    2. Click Click the menu. A menu is displayed.

        Fabric menu

      Reminder: If using large thumbnails, Clone Fabric displays instead as a separate icon when you hover over the fabric.

    3. Click Create a group. A group is created including the selected fabric.

      Group with fabric

  • Create a group using drag and drop

    To create such a group:

    1. In the Fabrics section, drag one fabric tile over another.

    2. Drag the fabric to the Group option that is then displayed.

      The following image is an example of creating a group using the drag method.

      Group created by drag and drop

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