To add textures:
If the Materials tab is not open, on the Resources tabs, click Materials.
On the Materials tab, go to the Fabrics section.
In the Fabrics section, click the fabric to which you want to add the correct texture.
Go to the Context view.
Two sides - Face and Back - are displayed. The selected side is highlighted in blue. By default, Face is selected.
In the Context view, click the texture thumbnail in the Diffuse section.
The image editor is displayed.
To expand the editor, click . To collapse the editor, click X.
Click Replace.
If using Xtex, specular and normal maps are automatically imported when you apply the diffuse map.
Navigate to file location.
Open the textures file.
Select the COL image from within the texture files. Specular and normal maps are automatically imported.
Repeat for the back of the fabric, if necessary.
Navigate to the location of the new texture file, select it, and click OK.
In the Context view, click the texture thumbnail in the Specular section.
The image editor is displayed.
Click Replace.
Navigate to the location of the new texture file, select it, and click OK.
In the Context view, click the thumbnail in the Normal section.
The image editor is displayed.
Click Replace.
Navigate to the location of the new texture file, select it, and click OK.
If the back of the fabric is:
Different from the face, in the Context view, click the back image tile, and repeat steps 5 to 13 to replace the fabric texture.
Identical to the face, in the Context view, click to copy the face texture to the back.
In the Context view, toggle through Color Blending modes to ensure that the texture has a smooth tiling free of abrupt edges and shadows.
Changing the color of the fabric to pastel or earth tones may highlight these issues. Avoid bright or intense colors as they can hide texture issues. Check both 2D and 3D as tiling issues may not be visible in one view, but apparent in the other.
If shadows or color issues appear, the fabric texture may need to be re-captured depending on intensity. If shadows or color issues are minimal, the fabric texture can be equalized to correct. For more information on equalizing textures, refer to Equalizing Texture Maps in Photoshop.
If no tiling issues are apparent:
In Color Blending, select Overlay.
Change the fabric color to mid tone gray (127, 127, 127).
In the 3D window, zoom in and rotate around the avatar to check if the fabric texture is accurate.
If the fabric appears too shiny, adjust the spread value for the specular map. If problems persist, adjust the color of the specular map to a darker color. For more information, refer to Linking Specular and Diffuse Colors.
If the fabric appears too bumpy, decrease the depth value of the normal map. Depth is set at 1 by default. 0 is completely flat.
If the fabric appears too flat, increase the depth value of the normal map.
Ensure the grain line of the fabric matches the grain line in VStitcher. To view the grain line:
In the 2D window, click .
If not already selected, click .
The diamond icon indicates the top of the fabric, with the line extending from it displaying the direction of the grain.
If the grain lines do not match:
In the Context view, in the Diffuse section, click the left thumbnail. The image editor is displayed.
Click Rotation.
In Rotate Layout, type in the desired value.
Close the image editor.
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