Stitching the Pieces

In this part of the tutorial, you stitch the pieces together, using both types of stitching:

  • Single stitch - one edge to one edge

  • Multi stitch - one edge to multiple edges, or multiple edges to multiple edges


  • You can stitch in the 2D window and the 3D window.

  • It's recommended to follow the tutorial technique of stitching in the 3D window. However, for your information, the alternative technique of stitching in the 2D window is also shown.

  • Stitches display in the 2D window only when you click Stitch on the Main toolbar.


If you make a mistake, you can delete the incorrect stitch. Refer to Deleting a Stitch.

video.png For an introduction, check out the video: Introduction to Stitching

tick-red.png Now, let's get stitching. Start with Stitching the Front and Back Together

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