Preparing the Garment on the Avatar

The next part of 3D simulation with a new garment is preparing the garment on the avatar.

Preparing the garment is also referred to as prepare mode. In this mode, you can see how the pieces are aligned on the avatar.

Prerequisite: Before preparing the garment, you must have completed arrangement of the pieces. For more information, refer to Arranging the Pieces on the Avatar.

To prepare the garment on the avatar:

  1. On the Main toolbar, click Prepare.


    The pattern pieces are displayed in outline in the 3D window on the avatar.

  2. If you are not already familiar with the 3D navigation tools, refer to Navigating and Working in the 3D Window.

  3. If the pieces appear well aligned, you are finished (for now) preparing the garment on the avatar.


    At this stage, you do not want the pieces too close together. For example, it is easier to stitch the sleeve to the front and back pieces if the sleeve is not too close to those pieces.

  4. If otherwise, make the appropriate adjustments.

    When you click on a piece, the 3D window gizmo appears. Use the gizmo to adjust the pieces as may be necessary. For more information, refer to 3D Gizmo.

    For example:

    • If a piece is too low, pull it up.

    • If a piece is too high, pull it down.

    • If a collar is not sitting correctly, adjust it left or right as appropriate.

    The following image shows the adjustment of pieces using the gizmo.



In prepare mode, each piece displays with a grid overlay. For more information, refer to Understanding the Grid.

tick-red.png Once you have prepared the garment on the avatar, continue with Stitching the Pieces.

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