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To create a belt with hardware, create pattern pieces for each portion of the belt.
Here are some important points to note:
- Create separate pattern pieces for sections of the belt that wrap around hardware.
- Use internal lines to help stitch the belt together.
- Lower grid size on small pieces for more details.
- A good cluster for a belt at the waist is the low waist cluster. Use the Waistband (Belt) wrap type.
Belt Hardware
Belt hardware can be represented using one of the following methods:
Method One
Create the belt hardware using 2D images. This method is simplest as it uses an image of the hardware.
- Create a pattern shape the size of the 2D image.
- Assign the image as artwork to the piece.
- Create a fabric with stiff material physics that is transparent.
- Assign the fabric to the pattern shape for the hardware.
- Add internal lines to the hardware pattern piece and stitch to the belt pattern pieces.
Method Two
Create the belt hardware using a modeled 3D Object. This method requires you to have a ready-made 3D object, or for you to be able to have one made for you.
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