2D Measure
As of Version 2023.3, the 2D Measure tool includes various improvements that provide pattern makers with advanced 2D inspection capabilities, reduce the need to switch between software, reduce file conversions (importing and exporting DXF files), and speed up the fit approval process. With the 2D Measure tool, pattern makers can measure and inspect pattern pieces in all sizes. The tool also includes the ability to create mathematical formulae to allow comparing edge structures using edge length, X, Y and straight values.
A description of these features appears in Advanced edge measuring and pattern inspection below.
For an example of how to use the 2D Measure tool, see Use case for using the 2D Measure tool.
Version 2024.1: This version includes the ability to select edges and generate formulas in the 2D Measure dialog box, while in the Sizes and Grading tool.
The Fast Measure tool provides a quick and easy method for measuring the distance between any two points in the 2D window. See Using the Measure (or Fast Measure) Tool.
Advanced edge measuring and pattern inspection
On the Main Menu, click Tools, then 2D Measure. The 2D Measure dialog box appears at the bottom of the 2D window. Note that you can:
- Click to undock and move the 2D Measure dialog box.
- Increase the height of the dialog box.
In the 2D window, click the first edge to measure, and then click the next edge. You can select a single edge, multi edges, and lines. The length of the selected edges is displayed in the selection row, next to Selected Edge/Edges/Shape (depending on your selection). If the selection includes continuous edges, this will be considered as one selection and values for the length, straight, X and Y distances appear. If the selection includes non-continuous edges, only the length appears.
When using the 2D Measure tool to measure edges, take note of the following:
- Selecting a continuous edge will show the total length of the selection. You will also see the straight distance between the beginning and end of the selected edges. The purple dotted line in the image that follows shows the straight distance when hovering over the selection.
- Hovering over or selecting any edge will automatically show the X or Y axis values. This is the purple dotted line in the images that follow.
The X and Y axes are relevant to the grainlines:
- X is perpendicular to the grainline.
- Y is parallel to the grainline.
The animation below shows the values that appear when hovering over an edge:
Here you can see the values when selecting an edge or a point.
Using the Formulas tab:
- On the Main menu, click Tools, then 2D Measure.
- In the 2D window, click the first edge to measure, and then click the next edge. The length of the edges is displayed in the 2D Measure window.
- In the Formulas tab, click the formula to activate it. If necessary, you can enter a name for the formula. You can define up to 99 formulas.
- Select the value in the Selected row at the top of the Formulas tab. Or select the edge value from the Insert drop-down menu.
- Type or select the mathematical function to use: +, -, x, /, (, ). Select another value. You can also insert the result of an already-defined formula from the Insert drop-down menu. The result of the formula appears at the end the line, next to the Insert drop-down menu. Note that, if you do not use a mathematical function, the total will be "NA".
6. Click Add Formula to add a new line. Click to remove a line.
7. When done, save the garment to save the formula(s) with the BW file.
Using the Sizes tab:
In patterns which include grading, you can use the Sizes tab to compare the edge values for different sizes. This is especially useful when adjusting a value to see the affect the change has on the different sizes.
The table displays the Length, Straight, X and Y values and the differences between the base size and the other sizes. Any modification made to the base size is automatically updated in the other sizes.
Using the Formula in Sizes tab:
After defining a formula in the Formulas tab, you can see the effect of the formula for the different sizes, and the differences between the base size and the other sizes. Note that:
- Any modification made to the original formula automatically updates the other sizes.
- Value 01 in the chart represents the first selection in the formula, Value 02 represents the second selection, and so forth.
- The values appear in the same order they appear in the formula at the top of the chart.
- Use the drop-down menu on the left of the formula row to change the formula. The list includes all the formulas saved with the current BW file.
Use case for using the 2D Measure tool
In the example below, we used the 2D Measure tool to compare the back and front side seam lengths of the pants to make sure they are balanced. To do this:
- We selected the back side edge and then added the yoke.
- We then subtracted the front side edge and the edge of the pocket from the back values.
- The result was a difference of 0.09 between the two sides. We can now decide how we proceed.
Using the Measure (or Fast Measure) Tool
To use the tool:
On the Main toolbar, click Insert.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure that Snap to: Point and Edge are enabled.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click to show the drop-down menu.
Select Measure (or Fast Measure in 2023.3).
In the 2D window, click where you want to start the measurement, then click where you want to measure to. The distance between the two points is displayed.
If you want to end the measurement, press Esc.
If you want to continue the measurement, click on the next point. The total distance is displayed.
When you start to measure a new distance, or take another action, the measurement is removed. Measurements are not included in a tech pack.
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